Saturday, January 12, 2013

Give me my roses....

OK, so I am STILL in school for my EMT license & today was a rough one. I have always thought myself to be a pretty strong woman. Able to handle just about anything. I mean I have spent hours looking at the most gory crime scenes, the bloodiest accidents, all to prepare myself to be so close to death that I might just feel their soul leave their body. However, NOTHING and I do mean NOTHING could have prepared me for today.... I witnessed someone alive, but only by the grace of God & the medicne of modern technology.  Just  being so close to someone on their way to the other side, generally makes you reflect on your own life & how you could make the most of everyday. It makes you want to experience more things, conquer some fears, step outside of your everyday routine. And don't know if you have ever heard this, but after my clinicals today I see more clearly than ever the meaning of "Give me my roses while I'm still here."

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